Survey of the Udarnik Cinema territory, Moscow

October 07, 2019

Fig. 1. Udarnik Cinema.

Fig. 1. Udarnik Cinema.

Currently, work is underway in Moscow on the development of scientific and design documentation for the preservation of the building of the Udarnik Cinema, which is part of the Cultural House of Government complex of cultural heritage, 1828-1931, designed by B. Iofan.

It is located in the very center of Moscow at Serafimovicha Ulitsa, 2.

Fig. 2. Research using the GROT 12H georadar with antennas of 1 meter around the perimeter of the cinema. Wireless GPR control is made using Wi-Fi technology.

Fig. 2. Research using the GROT 12H georadar with antennas of 1 meter around the perimeter of the cinema. Wireless GPR control is made using Wi-Fi technology.

The purpose of georadar studies of the land around and inside the building of the Udarnik Cinema was to determine the current state of the structure of the underlying layers, to identify abnormal zones of reduced bearing capacity, the presence of cavities, etc.

This task is quite difficult, given the density of communications in the center of the city and their number. In addition, the site is characterized by a high soil disturbance, which has been repeatedly dug up for decades. Using our ground penetrating radar one can easily detect these soil breaches. Distinction of the anomalies of the kind requires a georadar with high resolution.

Fig. 3. GROT 12H ground penetrating radar with Wi-Fi module and 50 cm antennas.

Fig. 3. GROT 12H ground penetrating radar with Wi-Fi module and 50 cm antennas.

Our specialists took measurements with the GROT 12H georadar with antennas 1 and 2 meters around the perimeter of the cinema. They covered profiles along Serafimovicha Street, Bolotnaya Embankment, and along the internal facades.

The profiling of the basement was carried out with antennas of 50 cm, and the georadar was conveniently moved on a radio-transparent platform (fig. 3).

Fig. 4. 3D project according to GPR profiling.

Fig. 4. 3D project according to GPR profiling.